5 things your workers want from their office design

From your workplace layout, to the furniture provided, to the colours on the wall – the office design you provide has substantial physical and mental effects on your employees.
Most people spend the majority of their waking hours in the workplace, yet these surroundings are often neglected despite being the most utilised space in our day, so it’s important to make the most of it to make the most of your workforce. Improved performance, job satisfaction and productivity are just a few of the many benefits a fresh office design can provide.
But you needn’t be as excessive as installing a Google-esk tube slide and ball pit. All it takes it a few small tweaks, so say goodbye to boring cubicles and bland walls and energise your workforce with these office design foundations your workers are really crying out for.
The atmosphere in the office is a big deal when it comes to worker productivity. Temperature, visual distractions, excessive noise, lighting; there could be many things that hinder your employees full working potential. Introduce creative solutions like sound-absorbing boards or exciting workstations that seamlessly switch between an open and private space. These may seem costly at first, but the investment is high when your employees work harder and achieve more in their working hours.
We’re all different and have different roles to fulfil in the office, yet offices are still rigid, trying to fit people to work around the office instead of fitting the office around the people. At bare minimum, remove the regimentation and allow employees to decorate their space. Research has shown that this can increase productivity by up to 30%!
Be strategic with your office space. Arrange pathways to encourage chance meetings that lead to solutions. Corner off areas for private phone calls without the need to leave the office. Implement flexible workstations and provide entertainment breakout hubs that double up as multi media ready meeting areas.
Light & Colour
There’s plenty of psychology to show the effect of colours on our mood and wellbeing so bare this in mind for your office design. Whilst vibrant reds are great for creating a striking first impression, try to stick to natural colours in the main working areas to reduce distraction. Blues and greens are good for invoking stimulating and calming effects but if you opt for something else, avoid anything too ‘loud’ by applying light, neutral tones.
Light is also another mood and wellbeing booster. Improper lighting can cause tiredness, eyestrain and even amplify symptoms of depression. People thrive with natural light so use glass and mirrors where possible to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
When it comes to office design, think functionality over form. Staff will be using office furniture at full time capacity so it’s vital not compromise on physical or mental health. Months of sick pay, straining employees with increased workload, turning down new projects, and putting work on hold – employee leave for back pain is not worth the short term saving made on cheap desks and chairs.
Remember to add functionality that works to your employee’s needs, not the other way around. Modular sit stand desks offers individual flexibility in an open plan office. Intuitive weight balancing chairs provide comfort for any form, perfect for hot desking. Clutter reducing storage solutions minimise time wasted rifling through documents. Be smart about your office space and you’ll see the benefits fast.
The wow-factor
Make your employees look forward to work in the morning by providing a space they really love. Go beyond a nice desk and resonate wow factor throughout the office. An exciting environment will boost employee mood and mindset from the moment they walk in and you’ll result in a happier, more productive workforce. An inspiring office space also reflects positive company values and branding, reminding workers that they’re part of an important, bigger picture.
Bonus points: An exciting working environment wows clients too and creates a good first impression about your business.